Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Common Issues Editing in Final Cut Pro.

People who are new to digital editing software can come up against a number of problems where things go wrong in a way that seems to make no sense at all.

Below I've listed some of the common ones I've come across, with solutions.

Click on the issue link for  examples  illustrated using Final Cut Pro 7, and explanations of why the software can behave like that.

Similar issues, and solutions, can be found with other digital editing packages.

Issue: Picture / Sound will not go to the timeline, or clips will not go to the timeline.

Solution: Close the gaps between track markers.

Issue: No picture in the source / timeline viewer

Solution: Set the viewer to display image.

Issue: The picture is not centered on the screen.

Solution: Turn on Image + Wireframe and reposition the image in the correct position. Check that the scale in the motion tab is correct.

Issue: Timeline and Viewer have disappeared / some widows gone

Solution: First press CTRL + U to reset the final cut pro interface to normal. If the timeline, and canvas are still not visible click on the sequence in the browser window.

Issue: Picture / Sound can not be seen / heard on playback

Solution: Re-activate the track by clicking on the film / speaker icon next to the track marker

Issue: Media Offline

Solution 1: Use the Reconnect Media command under the file menu, use search to find the clip.
Solution 2: Reconnect the camera with source tape loaded, set camera to VCR and batch capture.

Issue:  Lost deleted all work / computer has crashed and everything has gone.

Solution: Restore the project to the most recent good version.

Issue: Camera will not playback in final cut pro / there are no controls on the log and capture window.

Solution: Connect the camera by firewire, power it on and set to VCR reopen the log and capture window.

Issue: Transition effect gets error message

Solution: Set the IN and OUT points for clips on the timeline so that there is at least a few seconds of video beyond the edit point.

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